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Raku Kilns

Potterycrafts Raku Kiln

Potterycrafts Ltd supply two models which are fuelled by Propane gas, with a brick lid and low thermal mass bricks giving good insulation during firing. They come complete with a natural draught burner (12kw), pipework and regulator.

You may wish to add to your order a kiln batt and the Raku kit which includes a battery operated digital pyrometer, 2 metres of compensation cable and a Type K thermocouple.

Max temp 1260
External 48w x 48d x 53h cm
Chamber 33w x 33d cm

Price £1,293
Delivery not included.

Max temp 1260
External 62.5w x 62.5d x 75h cm
Chamber 45.7w x 45.7d cm

Price £1,776
Delivery not included.

See also "Pyramid Kilns by Roderveld" on the Gas and Wood-Fired kilns page.